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Chief Executive Officer
While working in higher education, Mark Visco discovered what universities were doing to ensure student engagement, development and success. It turned out, despite the best intentions and efforts of many universities, the existing legacy technology vendors were (and still are) lacking two very important things: Mobile-first Capabilities and True Partnership.
He saw how this technology gap led to the misuse of student tuition, hindered institutional capacity, and failed to engage students.
One reason for this failure is something Suitable calls the “20-60-20 Rule.” On an average campus, 20% of students are already engaged outside the classroom, and need little assistance from technology to stay on the pathway to success. There is 20% that are difficult to engage and need the most support and then the middle 60% that can be influenced to engage with intentional, personalized support. However, legacy vendors are only built to manage the 20% of students already engaged, not motivate and support the less engaged students who need it most.
These overlooked students populations are the students Suitable is built to help. Through a holistic approach, intuitive technology, and strategic partnership, Suitable makes sure all students are on a path toward more rewarding education.
Experiences tracked
Achievements implemented
Co-Curricular Transcripts created