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Guided Pathways

Scalable and Personalized Guided Pathways For All Students

Guided Pathways from Suitable automatically become more personalized as students engage. Bring all your student engagement opportunities together into one convenient mobile app, assess and scaffold these activities for maximum skill acquisition and give students a highly tailored learning journey.

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Guided Pathways Features

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The Opportunity Catalog

Put Every Engagement Opportunity at Your Student’s Fingertips

  • Centralize and connect all of your co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities so they are searchable by students and staff in an instant. There is no experience too large or small for Suitable.
  • Break down existing silos to connect students to the right experiences and resources when they need them most.
  • Use Tiered Administrative Permissions to grant access to staff and faculty across campus so anyone can add experiences to one source of truth.
The Competency Framework

Turn Your Student Learning Outcomes Into Co-Curricular Competencies

  • Map all your experiences to a set of core competencies that bridge co-curricular learning to SLOs and success after graduation.
  • Utilize an established competency framework or build one of your own.
  • Show students how their involvement impacts their personal and professional development.
  • Demonstrate your school’s unique mission and vision to prospective students.
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The Assessment Rubric

Assessment Built-in To Every Co-Curricular Experience

  • Track students as they progress to deeper levels of engagement, and identify where they may need extra support.
  • Implement an intentional and consistent standard for co-curricular and experiential learning assessment across the entire campus.
  • Gain access to rich data that helps identify programming gaps and informs critical student engagement metrics and decision-making.
  • Assess learning outcome achievement with 5x greater detail and precision.
Gamified Involvement and Achievement

Supercharge Student Engagement With Mobile-First Gamification

  • Bring your co-curricular experience to life with gamification; help students earn points, level up, and rack up incentives as they participate.
  • Offer students the only campus engagement platform that enables them to engage entirely on mobile.
  • Give students your student experience the way they want it: personalized. Suitable becomes more tailored to the student the more they use it.
  • Identify student influencers with our Leaderboards, where your most engaged students and student groups can be turned into role models.
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Digital Badges and Credentials

Create Digital Badges & Credentials That Track Themselves

  • Our digital badging suite is unrivaled. Simply determine the requirements, add your branding, and enroll the right students/student segmentations.
  • Students check their progress with real-time web and mobile dashboards.
  • Our badges are stackable, so you can easily scaffold student learning and engagement with more manageable milestones.
  • Enable students to promote and share their accomplishments online (i.e LinkedIn).
Data, Reporting & Analysis

Make More Informed Strategic Decisions Everyday With Advanced Reporting

  • Suitable comes with intuitive reporting capabilities that provide up-to-the-second data updates. Watch your engagement metrics grow before your eyes.
  • Customize your student data analytics further by defining your own tags, categories and filters.
  • Integrate Suitable information into your data warehouses and/or sync it with other existing systems to enrich assessment and institutional research and data models.
  • Our University Success Team is happy to customize additional reporting to your specifications with a turn around time of less than a week.
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More Ways To Use Suitable

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Co-Curricular Transcript

Don’t just offer a list of student experiences. Hand your students a dynamic, real-time co-curricular record of their entire college experience.

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Student Org Management

Offer easy ways to perform essential functions, without the stress. We put the entire student org experience where students expect it – on their smartphones.

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