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The Evolution of the SLO: 3 Reasons Why You Should Embrace SLO Data

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Expand Boundaries with SLOs

Your Student Learning Outcome (SLO) data is a proverbial gold mine filled with valuable insights on student career readiness, development, and overall institutional value, if done right. For those three reasons alone, institutions should thoughtfully consider how they are thinking about their SLOs and why they may need to expand the boundaries of their applicability to a student's learning and achievement. Suitable is advocating for a new approach to university SLOs and this eBook will provide three reasons why your institution should consider an evolution in this regard. This approach does not eradicate or abolish the current notion of your Student Learning Outcomes. It complements already existing experiential learning statistics and props them up in a more expansive and data analytical way.

What Will You Learn in This eBook?

  • By using competencies, any SLO can expand existing boundaries, beyond assessment and accreditation.
  • Moving towards a competency-based approach can instantly turn an SLO into a critical analysis of student engagement
  • SLO clarifies programming gaps and offers a starting point to the discussion of where to invest dollars and resources next to maximize value.