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Student Engagement

80 Remote Student Engagement Tasks

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student engagement while remote

Keep Students Engaged. Even While Campus Is Closed.

Over 70% of Suitable schools have adopted our 80 remote student engagement tasks since their campus was closed due to COVID-19. These tasks have enabled schools to keep their students engaged from a distance while their in-person classes remain online. Example activities include things like Create a LinkedIn Profile, Take a Personality Test, Register to Vote, Follow Up Thank You Email to Faculty, Develop a Personal Budget, and 75 more. Download the free list and use the tasks that you like the most for your students.

What Will You Learn in This eBook?

  • This comprehensive list of 80 tasks will keep students engaged and on-track towards their goals, even while classes remain remote. 
  • This list comes in a spreadsheet layout that allows students to check off tasks as they complete them. 
  • Student reflection is critical to any experiential learning model. Copy the spreadsheet and students can submit reflection right inside the table.